About our dedication

Together, we're preserving the Glen Manor House

The Friends of Glen Manor House is a private non-profit organization of individuals dedicated to the restoration, preservation, and maintenance of the Glen Manor House for the enjoyment of present and future generations of Portsmouth residents.

Fundraising and management

Friends conduct activities for the enjoyment of Portsmouth residents some of which raise funds which are used to further its mission. The organization is managed on a day to day basis by an Executive Board that meets monthly at the House. Members of the Friends meet annually to review progress made during the year and elect members to the Board and officers (on a bi-annual basis). A complete set of by-laws is available upon request to the Glen Manor House office.

How to become a member

New members interested in any or all of the above activities are welcomed to join our present 200+ member organization!

To join, download and fill out the membership form and mail with your check (made out to “Friends of the Glen Manor House”) to our membership co-chairperson at:

Friends of the Glen Manor House
PO Box 502
Portsmouth, RI 02871.

Membership Category DesiredDonation (Tax deductible)
Individual and Family Memberships$20
Corporate Memberships$100+

An email will be sent to confirm your membership. Thank you for supporting the Glen Manor House.